Come and join us!
Joining our choir is easy. Come along to our next rehearsal and see!
Some reasons why you should come:
we’re a friendly and welcoming choir
you don’t have to audition
the first night is free
come when you can and pay on the night (no term fees)
you don’t have to read music. All our recent songs are on our app so it’s easy to learn your part
there’s no pressure to perform, but fun when you do. We have 4-6 performances a year
We rehearse on Thursday nights at 7pm ending at 9:15.
After rehearsal we share supper with wine or sparkling apple juice.
Cost: Your first night is free then its $15 each rehearsal (or $100 for the term) which includes the supper
There is a $20 joining fee to become a member for which you will get your own black folder with all the music
Venue: The Avenue Church of Christ, 1 The Avenue Surrey Hills
As a community choir we are inclusive: we welcome anyone who loves singing gospel music
What’s On

Choral @Melbourne
Sunday 4 May
After many years at Montsalvat this wonderful Choral Festival is moving to the Abbotsford Convent.
Friday 20 June
GospelFest, organised by the inimitable Jude Waldron, is an annual event at Armadale Baptists and features several gospel choirs from around Melbourne.
Our Choir